Why donate?
The Italian Jewish communities are non-profit religious bodies, they support themselves with contributions from members and donations.
The Jewish Community of Naples is the only Community in southern Italy and has jurisdiction over a vast territory, as many as 6 regions.
Numerically, however, it is a small community, with fewer than 200 members.

Each donation helps us to carry on our business.

What are our activities?

Religious activities:

  • Our Rabbi celebrates all services every Friday evening, every Saturday morning and all religious holidays
  • We are able to welcome tourist groups, both to help them with kosher meals and for religious services.

Cultural activities:

  •  Visits of school groups of all levels
  • Guided tours for groups of adults
  • Conventions, conferences, concerts, book presentations
  • Library specializing in Hebrew, included in the National Library Service
  • Historical archive open by appointment for historical research

How can you help us?

  • Make a spontaneous donation from the [Donate] button at the bottom of all pages of our website


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For the Jewish Community of Naples your privacy is very important. Please, read here all informations

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Opening: Mon - Wed - Fri
10:00 - 13:00
Via Cappella Vecchia, 31
80121 Napoli, (ITALY)