The Library of the Jewish Community of Naples is located within the Community itself, on the first floor of Palazzo Sessa, in via Cappella Vecchia, 31.

The Library, specializing in the history and culture of Jewish tradition, observes the following times:

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday from 10.00 to 14.00


Free admission.
Due to international circumstances, it should be noted that, for security reasons, and for the necessary time, access to the Library will be allowed only by prior telephone appointment, by email or by using our form contacts.

The books held by the Library can be consulted in the reading room or can be loaned.
The search can be done online by accessing the catalog of the National Library Service.
It is possible to search only in the Community library by clicking on "advanced search" and typing the code NA0693 in the string "library".

The Library is attached to the 'Archive of the old Community.
Access to the Archive is only by appointment. 

Library and Archive Manager: Claudia Campagnano
tel: 081 764 34 80
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Library Service Charter (italian version)
Library Regulations (italian version)


All images and texts on this site are under copyright and all rights are reserved. The reproduction on any media and any alteration, copy or partial modification of the photos and texts is forbidden without the explicit consent of the author.


For the Jewish Community of Naples your privacy is very important. Please, read here all informations

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Opening: Mon - Wed - Fri
10:00 - 13:00
Via Cappella Vecchia, 31
80121 Napoli, (ITALY)